Town Toolkit | Resources for everyone
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Resources for everyone

Can Do Places Lots of inspirational 60 second videos from private and social enterprises in town centres around Scotland – their stories, their challenges and their successes in their own words.

Carnegie UK Trust The Trust supports development of towns policy and innovative practice in our towns. It runs various projects which aim to bring progressive rethinking to help towns flourish - check out videos, case studies and learning from around the UK.

Scotland’s Towns Partnership STP’s role is to act as a hub for news & resources, knowledge and good practice (such as this Toolkit) related to towns; to support learning and community through its events; to influence and share policies that impact towns; and to raise the profile of Scottish towns. For information on effective marketing communication strategies for your town, check out the presentations from this STP webinar.

Scotland's Improvement Districts Support for Improvement Districts (including Business Improvement Districts or BIDS) across Scotland by providing national guidance, training, resources and events, and building strong national partnerships. More information about Improvement Districts can be found in the Toolkit's Taking Action section.

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